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How long will the order take to arrive?Updated 23 days ago

😎 If you have ordered already:
Please see your order updates here.

👉 If you haven't ordered yet:
Please see AusPost estimated delivery times here - enter your postcode and our postcode (which is 3207.) Depending on the volume AusPost is experiencing at that moment, the estimate might be +1 to 2 business days, sometimes even longer if you've chosen Parcel Post and if you live on a remote area. Note: The estimates are business days, so weekends and public holidays are excluded.

Order well in advance so you have plenty of time before your important event/race dates! 😊 🙌

So >> If you're in a rush, always choose EXPRESS. We, together with AusPost, always prioritise express orders. 

đŸ“± We highly recommend downloading the AusPost app for future online orders as they don't leave cards into the mailboxes anymore! 

Cheers! â˜ș 
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